Slow West Michael Fassbender Art A5

Slow West Michael Fassbender Art A5


Slow West By Fiona Osborne

Illustrating John Maclean's beautiful film, Slow West starring Michael Fassbender and Kodi Smit-McPhee.

Drawn in pencil with scanned textures

Hand-signed museum quality print on heavyweight paper incl Giclée quality certificate. Frame and mount not included.

“Lets Drift”

Size :

A5 Size: 14.8 x 21.0 cm, (5.83" x 8.27")

Larger options:

For A3 & A2 click here: A3 & A2 Slow West

For A4 click here: A4 Slow West


Shipping from the UK with tracking
(You may have to pay additional import charges if outside UK)

This product is in stock. Please allow up to 2 weeks for dispatch. Artwork does not include frame and will be packaged in biodegradable cellophane and recycled card.

Slow West Michael Fassbender Art A5 Image 2